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TOKEN authentication

Token is stateless server !

Statefull means server maintains client's state. so whenever client request someting, the server checks state(state is saved in session). statefull save authentication data in memory.

Stateless means any state are not saved in server. only check inputs from the client. dont save anythings about authentication in memory.


JWT can be send by HTTP header or URL parameter.


JWT is used usually user authentication and information comunication(e.g. Dont let the information modified)


How does it look?

Header has two kinds of data : typ(type), alg(hasing algoritym)

  "typ": "JWT",
  "alg": "HS256"


Payload has datas that token will contains

const payload = {
  "iss": "velopert.com"
  "exp": "123415214",
  "https://verlopert.com/jwt_claims/is_admin": true,
  "userId": "123124214",
  "username": "velopert"


Signature, as the name say, it means signature.

const signature = crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'secret')
					.update(encodedHeader + '.' encodedPayload)
                    .replace('=', '');

full JWT



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