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How to test passport-facebook /Social login test [TDD]

How to do test passport social login?

Facebook delegates login instead of me. I just needed to set passport stuffs in my application code.

If I set passport code in my app, and If I send request 'login', Facebook does work. like redirecting to login page, validating Id/Password input, and showing result page etc. these processes is not in my application code.

so I didn't know what to do for testing passport.js.


[THINGS I TRIED] : "zombie.js" -> "MockStrategy" -> "nock"

At first, I saw "zombie.js". [Result : This is not fit for testing passport-facebook]

It tests like real web browser. It can redirect, fill id/password , and click submit buttons.

const Browser = require('zombie');

// We're going to make requests to http://example.com/signup
// Which will be routed to our test server localhost:3000
Browser.localhost('example.com', 3000);

describe('User visits signup page', function() {

  const browser = new Browser();

  before(function(done) {
    browser.visit('/signup', done);

  describe('submits form', function() {

    before(function(done) {
        .fill('email',    'zombie@underworld.dead')
        .fill('password', 'eat-the-living')
        .pressButton('Sign Me Up!', done);

    it('should be successful', function() {

    it('should see welcome page', function() {
      browser.assert.text('title', 'Welcome To Brains Depot');

It Looks usefull. but I couldnt use it properly. so I stoped to using this for test.


One days is gone by studying "zombie.js"


Next I found "MockStrategy". [Result : It looks good but I coudlnt use well]

Someone made MockStrategy for test.

const MockStrategy = require('passport-mock-strategy');
passport.use(new MockStrategy());

I tried but I couldn't understand how to use it. and there is not much examples.


so another day was gone with MockStrategy.


Next I found "nock" and "sinon".[Result : These are most famous and easy to Use!]

These were most famous test tools. How I could not recognize these two tools for a long time?

I guess I dont wantted to learn new stuff at that time. I was too laaazy..

It is time to select between "nock" and "sinon" and study one.

I stuck in passport TDD. wow...

I couldnt get process with this...

stop this for a while.. need time..